Friday, June 6, 2014

A Carribbean Queen steals the night!

With a diamond glare SHE stood, basking in tender naked sun kissed glow. Rhianna stood accepting her style icon award  naked skin. Our brave Carribbean Queen embraced the night the uproar of Omg!! She has done it again!!! Just a sheer blush flesh tone crystal cover dress, gloves covering from fingertips to elbows . oh how dare I forget her boa?
       I myself at first was stunned but then again why not? Josephine Baker lives! I was raised to embrace my body being Guyanese ...and the eating is good. USA, we are a culture that the black female body is a taboo. From slavery the African Holocast still to this day2014. Rhianna did what I would have done if I was she. Free to be an artist, a creative mind brave, tortured as she flips the bird sticks her tongue out she asks does my boobs offend you? Hinting to being banned from Instagram😦😏😑. Anyhow? Ms Fenty stays winning!  Let's that pisecs swim! Aww lloow she  le she bubble (in my Guyanese voice) lol 
 Erratic emotions of joy is everything in  her bowwed smile. #liveyalife

Sunday, June 1, 2014

HOT SPANKING LASHES with Chanelle Dorsett

Cluster Lash extension lasts up to 3weeks

Brow grooming + tint lasts 3-4 weeks
Strand by strand lasts up to 2 months!
Eyelashes are now all the Rage! Chanelle Dorsett has been on the front lines since 1996 and she's back to save your lash life with Tender Loving Care! Say goodbye to that round the way look and let an expert take you to back to the top of your beauty game. Ladies & gentlemen don't settle for bad service call us to schedule an appointment Tuesday - Sunday mention this post to receive $10 off your 1st visit and everytime you introduce a friend. It pays to spread the gospel of A NATURAL FACE LIFT! 718:636:5521 a deposit is required to schedule an appointment. Don't let price keep you in unhygienic places. 

A BRAND NEW Me for you:)

Have you heard the word Dahlings??? We've relocated around the bend 402 prospect place @ Washington ave! #brooklynmade we don't take your business lightly. Let an experienced
professional take care of you. 718:636:5521

Saying Thank You....

RIP Dr.Maya Angelo! A creative soul who lived!  I will live in light as you did! Restful Sleep PROUD AFRICAN QUEEN the universe is celebrating you life! Cheers