Sunday, November 25, 2012

Naturalista or Transitioning Sista?

The Battle Continues-
Woman cries... I WANT TO BE FREE! She rants fists all balled up....
Free of my relaxer that is ruining my life my image, my character.
Six months later...
Woman humbled says I dreamed to run my fingers through my hair and feel the power of my own natural curl to be less oppressed by this chemical society.
But Girl, what do I do now?
I'm natural and want to remain this way.. She continues speaking looking into the mirror pulling at her hair...
Relaxer is on the ends Afro coily is my base... (deep breath taken she looks up saying) ... my hair is shedding although I treat it at home.. A sad look comes over her face... I immediately offered her a glass of Pino quickly and recommended (Drum Roll please)..
Going straight is an ease !
Wearing Bushy Coily Hair is Beautiful!
Blowout & style in half the time!
Vitamin & Botanicals Packed in treatment!
Rinses out in 12 weeks or more !

Visit or 718 636 5521

Consultations are Free. However a $50 deposit is needed for a scheduled appointment with The Pravanna Styling Professional!
Mention this blog and receive a complimentary nail design valued $8 with a spa manicure.

After thought:
Freedom from anything has its own challenges!

Blissful Hair by Idalias.

Introducing Blissful Hair by Idalias.
Soft & Natural ,easy to color , can use again and again... Care for BLISSFUL HAIR like your own!

Afia is wearing Brazilian Body Wave.
Her hair has been blown out and styled,
2 bundles of 14" & 16" used and still had some remaining. Consultations are free!
Deposits are $100 for Extension Services.

Purchase BLISSFUL HAIR + Extension Treatment @
Idalias Salon 718 636 5521

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Oh No I've missed you more:)

So alot has happened since we last met!
 Relate, relation & relationships, so many has come and gone but all remains the same.....ARE YOU UP NEXT SUGA?
As I catwalk stilletos, red lips, couture styled down.... twirling gracefully always remembering to smile or bite for all this didnt come easy. You next suga! (in my now famous southern american twang)
I truly have missed you, Dear Dairy.  No honestly... Lets get to it!
Gossip?  None yet but you didnt hear it from me....
IDALIAS SALON now provides 100% Natural Brazilian Hair 16in, 18in, and 20 inches! currently available.....Deep Wave & Body Wave The most asked for hair types around!
No low self esteem here! If you do suffer this incrediblile illness, you need to visit me CHanelle of IDALIASSALON.COM
I will build you up from the outside in!  You will  do the work of letting your inner light shine!